In this chapter, the author offers some fragments from her fieldwork with Danielle, a middle-aged black woman with a visual impairment. She grew up in the francophone part of Belgium, she lived in Flanders during the author research phase. Danielle presents herself, reflects, learns from interactions, and further becomes. Danielle loves words and language in general. At secondary school, Danielle's eyesight diminished – it started with not being able to see the ball in sports class anymore – as did her learning capacities and self-esteem. After bringing the children to school, Danielle and the author make their own ways through other pedestrians, children running around, traffic lights, cyclists, and traffic signs. Danielle and Audrey discussed how things were going wrong on the level of the spirit's connection to the human body. Danielle dreams about starting up a project for people in Congo and perhaps visiting that place one day.