This chapter reviews the New Zealand (NZ) data and their impact on our understanding of internationalisation and employability. NZ is one of the latest land masses to be occupied by humans, beginning with the arrival of Polynesian peoples 700–900 years ago. In the new 2018–2030 international education strategy, the current government has explicitly emphasised the goal of making sure the regions benefit from international education enrolment growth. NZ's sub-university sector is particularly active, with government-funded institutes of technology and polytechnics and the private training establishments also offering bachelor and master degree qualifications. The graduate longitudinal study NZ provides a great deal of information about graduate destinations, employment, and social outcomes for both domestic and international graduates at all levels of study, but in the context of internationalisation and employability, it is specifically useful in corroborating the broad-brush data analyses from government data and enhancing this with information about student intentions.