This chapter discusses the diagnosis of a client who has Panic Disorder with Agoraphobia. Charlotte is a 44-year-old married female living with her husband and teenage sons. At diagnostic clinical interview, Charlotte reported experiencing numerous discrete episodes of "hugely intense anxiety" involving heart palpitations, chest pain, shakiness, hot and cold flushes, dizziness, shortness of breath, numbness in her fingers, and "overwhelming fear". A mental status examination revealed Charlotte was oriented to time, place, and person. She displayed adequate concentration and attention, with no evidence of memory or cognitive impairment and no evidence of formal thought disorder. A diagnosis of social phobia was considered as Charlotte displayed anxiety and avoidance behaviours related to certain social situations, such as going to the supermarket, being at work, and taking her children to school. Following comprehensive assessment, a Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT)-based intervention was implemented, and Charlotte responded well to both the behavioural and cognitive aspects.