This chapter assesses the importance of certain personal values to Singaporeans and specific demographic groups by age, gender, education, monthly household income and marital status. It examines the impact of the values in the List of Values (LOV) and the Portrait Values Questionnaire (PVQ) on Singaporeans' subjective wellbeing by conducting regression analyses. In the case of Singapore, marital status had a negative and significant relationship with Openness, Self-enhancement and Self-transcendence. However, marital status had a positive and significant relationship with Conservatism. The chapter examines how Singaporeans felt about some personal values using the LOV. In terms of top-ranked and lowest-ranked values, it was interesting to note that, unlike their Western counterparts, Singaporeans had consistently placed lowest importance on values like Fun and Enjoyment, and Excitement. According to S. H. Schwartz, higher income was expected to promote the prioritization of the Stimulation, Self-direction, Hedonism and Achievement values over the Security, Conformity and Tradition values.