In this chapter, the authors describe the case material through the three 'Stages' of investigation; from the first interviews, through the Clinical Workshop, to the Working Party on Initiating Psychoanalysis (WPIP) research meeting. The WPIP Team is responding not only to the clinical material, but also to the presentation process and the resulting workshop dynamics. The Team could then build on the work undertaken by the Clinical Workshop, pursuing the workshop's elaboration of the case but also benefiting from the enactments, which promoted deeper understanding. The same could happen when the WPIP re-examined its own meeting notes during its case reviews, once the passage of time allowed it to function as a third with respect to itself. Perhaps it was this experience which led the WPIP Team to formulate its positive 'prediction', concluding its research report: The analyst will offer analysis. Thus the authors would be witnessing one of the ways in which the participating analysts conduct real analytic work.