The current chapter completes the cycle of developing a web-based application to collect and review data collected based on key words or data patterns. Using as an example the analysis of log records for a Structured Query Language Server instance, the process begins with a Perl script running continuously to scan for warning and error messages, which are extracted and imported into associated tables in a database. PHP is then to implement a web-based interface to review status flags in those records, resetting flags to denote “Reviewed” (no problems found, record can be ignored), “Pending” (further research or analysis is needed), and “Resolved” (problem or situation resolved, no further action or analysis is needed).

Key components of the application include

The Perl scripts in Chapter 8 that continuously monitor and select log records for warning and error messages. It also describes how to load selected records into database-tracking tables.

The SQLSvrLogs database created in Chapter 7 contains tracking tables with Reviewed, Pending, and Resolved status flags.

The current chapter completes the application by showing how to use PHP to create a web-based interface to display the contents of the WarningRecords and ErrorRecords tables, allowing the user to reset the status of each record as analysis of their contents takes place.