This chapter explores current trends in the area of eye tracking research within the sport domain and the attainment of expertise. The idea that the eyes can reveal insight into the inner workings of the mind has been a long-standing anecdote in philosophy and has created significant scientific interest. Eminent psychologists such as James and physiologists such as Helmholtz recognized that the eyes provide insight into underlying psychological and biological processes. Saccades are ballistic eye movements that bring the point of maximal visual acuity onto the fovea so that an object can be seen with clarity. A fixation is the maintenance of steady gaze to allow processing of visual information from that location. Pursuit tracking is the maintenance of steady gaze on a moving object or target, a skill that is particularly useful in high-speed sporting tasks. While the vision-in-action approach provides greater flexibility in terms of the range of skills that can be assessed, it does have some limitations.