This chapter focuses on the way the most important events during the war in Kosovo (1998–1999) are presented in primary and high school history textbooks in Kosovo. It aims to analyse the presentation of the political/military groups of Kosovo Albanians during the war, their political goals, the meetings, agreements and collaboration of the political and military representatives of the Albanians with their Serb counterpart, and the war crimes committed on both sides.

The chapter is divided into four parts: the peaceful and the military factions; war crimes; the Rambouillet Conference; and the NATO intervention. The primary and high school history textbooks of Kosovo and Serbia, published by the Libri Shkollor publishing house (Prishtina) and by Zavod za udžbenike (Belgrade), approved by the respective ministries of education, serve as the primary source for this chapter. In addition, works by foreign scholars who have analysed the events in Kosovo in this period are taken into consideration with their respective arguments.