Natural Theology is that branch of philosophy which investigates what human reason unaided by revelation can tell us concerning God. The philosophical systems which assert the existence of God fall into three classes: deism, pantheism, and theism. The problems brought under discussion are the most important which can be presented to the human mind. People are not concerned with barren academic disputes, but with vital issues which force themselves upon the mind of every rational being, and call imperiously for an answer. Natural Theology gives the scientific elaboration of these arguments. It shows that, simple as they are, they are philosophically valid: that no lurking fallacy renders them worthless: that they are, if properly estimated, irrefutable. Dogmatic Theology is based, not on natural knowledge, but on what God has taught us regarding Himself in the Christian revelation. The Christian doctrines of the final judgment and the corporeal resurrection are to be accepted as symbols, not as realities.