One of the big objectives for G4 was harmonization with other reporting frameworks, so that companies would be able to report once, using the G4 Framework, and this would cover all their bases for reporting against other required frameworks. This is a pipedream if ever there was one. Reporting frameworks and individual initiatives are mushrooming beyond anyone's expectations, and while there is some common ground, there is no harmonization, no consistency of formats or submission requirements and no alignment among data users. A G4 report may cover some of this. An originally stated objective of G4 was to align with the Integrated Reporting framework currently under development by the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC). Integrated Reporting is a framework that is designed to serve financial community, so that they, and companies they show interest in, can make more money. IIRC has a financial focus with an incorporation of sustainability impacts, insofar as they affect the way a company creates value.