Aldo Leopold's bold project in A Sand County Almanac is nothing short of worldview remediation. Leopold's project in A Sand County Almanac, the exposition and promulgation of an evolutionary-ecological worldview and its axiological and normative implications, is a grand one, to be sure. He is trying to effect a sea change in popular consciousness. The actual evolutionary and ecological concepts that he exposes and promulgates are, however, pretty basic. Necessarily so, given the lay audience he is addressing and its limited capacity for either profundity or subtlety. The ultimate use of irony, then, in A Sand County Almanac, is Leopold's deployment of the rhetorical power of biblical phrasing (e.g. 'live and have their being'), biblical narratives (e.g. Paul on the road to Damascus) and biblical literary forms (e.g. parables) to undercut the Bible-based aspect of the worldview that he sought to replace with the evolutionary-ecological worldview.