Each year we generate billions of tonnes of waste from households, government and industry with the majority of this ending up in landfill, where biodegradable waste generates methane, a powerful greenhouse gas. We need to understand that different councils will of course have different duties and powers related to waste and environmental services. According to a report by WRAP on behalf of the UK Government, recycling is almost always the best way to get rid of waste. WRAP analysed different materials measured by four criteria: energy use, water, other resource use and greenhouse gas emissions. San Francisco became the first US city to pass a ban on non-recyclable plastic bags at major supermarkets. The online re-using revolution instigated by Freecycle and other similar initiatives should be welcomed and applauded as a way for residents to re-use unwanted items. There has been a spike of interest among councils about 'low-tech' alternatives to Freecycle.