This chapter provides Indonesian profile which includes key information about the relevant corporate sustainability and responsibility (CSR) history, country-specific issues, trends, research, education and leading organizations. CSR is an emergent discourse in Indonesia, not only in corporate practice but also in the larger political-economic landscape. The uptake of CSR practices can be observed outside the business realm as well as in government agencies and civil society organisations. There are many multi-stakeholder forums in Indonesia, bringing together business, government and social groups. Companies joining these forums are expected to be more committed to CSR, not only as community development activities but as a more comprehensive sustainable business practice. 'Good Electronics' has been a central motif for the CSR activities of Panasonic Indonesia, whereby it strives for environmentally friendly production of electronic devices. Panasonic has also implemented waste disposal management systems, which aim to achieve a zero-waste target by means of increasing material recycling.