The multiplication of not-for-profit organisations is part of what is described in a Johns Hopkins University study of the non-profit sector as a ‘global associational revolution, voluntary activity in literally every corner of the world’. According to Tom Tierney of United States non-profit-sector consultancy Bridgespan, ‘in business the bottom line is clear, but in some mission-driven organisations it is not always clear what the final outcome is’. The consensus seems to be that there is a need to adopt management training aimed particularly at the not-for-profit sector if an organisation in this field is to realise its goals in the long term. The breadth of stakeholders generally means that a not-for-profit board’s aim is less clear than that of its for-profit counterparts. Businesses working with the not-for-profits gain good reputation, business generation and increased network opportunities. To function effectively, a not-for-profit organisation requires a strong sense of mission, pride and focus from the top down.