This chapter examines the Carris Companies' practice of governance and the multifaceted process used to prepare the stakeholder citizens for their changing roles and relationships as shared owners. It discusses the Carris Companies' efforts towards the practice of employee governance and shifting stakeholder and citizenship rights and responsibilities to employees. These reflect employee participation beyond that expected within the traditional employee stock ownership plan. The chapter suggests that a stakeholder in an organisation is any group or individual who can affect or is affected by the achievement of the organisation's objective. Workers, supervisors and managers, found at most sites, reflected the commitment to a flat organisational chart. Conversations with managers provided background on Carris Companies' operations and suggested additional indicators for tracking corporate change. In The Capitalist Manifesto, Louis Kelso presented a vision of employee ownership and a compass for change of the 'partly capitalistic and partly labouristic economy to a well-balanced and completely capitalistic economy' within a democratic framework.