This chapter discusses the role that Algemene Spaarbank voor Nederland (ASN) Bank has played and still plays in stimulating the development of sustainable banking among the banking sector. ASN Bank was founded in 1960 by the Nederlands Verbond van Vakverenigingen and the Centrale Levensverzekerings bank. ASN Bank puts significant emphasis on the assessment of a company's track record and its policies on the above criteria. The ASN Aandelenfonds is an open-ended investment institution for publicly listed and private companies. The reason for citing examples of ASN products is to emphasise the basis of successful green financing: creative product development at a practical level, and persistent government lobbying, a substantial part of which, in the Netherlands, has been by ASN. A significant problem is that there are currently not enough suitable environmental projects in the Netherlands. Combining green funds with other financial instruments, on the other hand, will definitely create new opportunities for innovative sustainable projects.