This introduction presents an overview of the key concepts discussed in the subsequent chapters of this book. The book explores how to unlock change through transformational leadership, enterprise reform, technology innovation, corporate transparency, stakeholder engagement, integrated value and future-fitness. It shows the nature of change and what role we play as leaders in making it happen—in our societies, our organizations and as individuals. Sustainability has won many battles—for best-new-jargon-inventor, for most-likely-to-make-you-feel-good—but has lost the war for the hearts and minds of the people. It has pinned its colours to the mast of scarcity and survival, when most of the world is far more interested in prosperity and thriving. The point is that scaling the number of networked relationships is at the heart of almost all change, including biological and social evolution. People become trapped in a paradigm—literally, a pattern of thinking—and are closed to a different, emergent world-view, despite mounting evidence supporting the new reality.