This chapter describes the national approaches to sustainable enterprise in Mauritius. It includes key information about the priority issues, trends, and government policies as well as best-practice case studies of sustainable enterprise in Mauritius. The Republic of Mauritius has a political system based on the British Westminster model of parliamentary democracy. Various ministries have responsibility for implementing policies on sustainable development. Taking social, environmental and economic issues together, Maurice Ile Durable (MID) is the new long-term vision for making Mauritius a model of sustainable development among the Small Island Developing States (SIDS). The MID encapsulates five major themes: energy, education, environment, equity and employment. The MID framework will be a major turning point for Mauritius to move resolutely and steadily towards sustainable development and a greener economy. However, to enable this transition, the country will need technical and financial assistance, including private investments and funding from international sources.