Cosmopolitan corporate peace recognises a political/diplomatic role for transnational corporations (TNC) in peace processes and provides a global perspective, linking corporate peacemaking (CPM) to a principle-based, global order based on cosmopolitan values. This chapter shows that CPM challenges cosmopolitanism. Cosmopolitanism not only needs to consider corporations in more depth, but peacemaking and the role of corporations in peacemaking. Cosmopolitan corporate peace is a new story, vision or dream for humans that prioritise sustainable peace and development. Cosmopolitanism views citizenship not as membership of a geographical community but as based on rules and core civic and political principles that apply in multiple situations. A new political community with legitimate authority beyond states is sought, which would uphold cosmopolitan principles. Cosmopolitanism suggests short and long-term reforms to globalisation to transform its governing, form, distributional outcomes, organisational principles and institutions. TNCs' role in the cosmopolitan project is vital.