Strategies and policies need to be designed by means of a multi-stakeholder approach to ensure broad support and effective implementation, as well as to anticipate the emergence of possible side-effects. Only a systemic approach that simultaneously considers social, economic and environmental factors can deliver sustainability. To do so, Buhler widened the range of indicators used to formulate and assess the new strategy, and explicitly considered the following elements of the system: technology, suppliers, product, government, marketing and customers. Having identified the key stakeholders and the main elements of the system, both internal and external to the company, the analysis of the network started with the use of influence tables. Once the strategy was finalised, implementation, monitoring and evaluation followed. Identify the causes and effects of the problem across the social, economic and environmental dimensions. Use a multi-stakeholder approach to account for a variety of points of view and to incorporate as much cross-sectoral knowledge as possible in the analysis.