It would be o f little use to reprint here documents that are well known in the U.S., like the excellent codes o f the SPJ-SDX or those of the APME. All the codes presented here are non-U.S. One is interna­ tional. O f the next three-national-the first was adopted by newspa­ per publishers in Britain, the second by a union o f journalists in Russia, and the third by the press council o f India. Hence they are very different from each other. The last code in the selection consists in a specific set o f rules for reporters o f small events (largely crimes and accidents) in the French provincial press. Many other codes deserve to be cited, like that o f the Japanese NSK or that o f South Africa. The problem is that the reading o f codes tends to be painfully monotonous, since most o f them say just about the same.