The uniform of choice tended to be radical fancy-dress; the principal activities were revolutionary theater and political posturing, the regnant ideology an undifferentiated mixture of Marxism, anarchism, and anti-Americanism. The Old Faith was also manifest in dozens of booths representing a wide range of radical and revolutionary causes, including the vicious Shining Path guerrilla movement in Peru and various organizations that make and distribute radical films. The auditorium-sized room where some of these films were on continuous display was often completely empty. This could serve well as a metaphor for the conference as a whole: much of the traditional menu was available. The real moment of truth occurred at a session which brought together some Soviet scholars of Latin America to discuss the impact of perestroika on their field of study. The real moment of truth occurred at a session which brought together several Soviet scholars of Latin America to discuss the impact of perestroika on their field of study.