Naturally, the abortion rights lobby, unconcerned about the moral implication of killing 1.6 million babies a year, has found its voice when it comes to attacks on abortion doctors. Jeanne Clark, a spokeswoman for the Feminist Majority Foundation, said that Dr. George Tiller, who performs latter term abortions—when the fetus is fully developed and capable of surviving outside of the womb—is "an incredibly caring guy and real gutsy". President Clinton denounced the Tiller attack as "reprehensible" and reaffirmed his support for "choice". To abort even a young fetus is different from having an appendix removed; to destroy a baby that could survive outside the womb looks a lot more like infanticide than an exercise of a "choice". It may be dead as a political issue—all of the institutions of national power are firmly behind the abortion lobby and that is unlikely to change much even with the election of a pro-life president in the future.