The proof depends on classification; it resembles an "exploded view" of a crankshaft, household appliance, or electronic children's toy such as those used by assemblers and repairmen. Everyone has seen diagrams of this kind. Of course, because an exploded view shows all of the parts that are normally hidden, it never looks much like the object it is meant to depict. Broadly speaking, neutrality may be regarded as a property of a policy, as a property of a debate over policy, as a property of rules for the final choice of policy, or as some combination of these properties. Recursive neutrality of debate can be banished right away, because the senses of neutrality to which it "recurs"—senses 1 through 5—have been sent away already. View-regarding, fitness-regarding, and conduct-regarding neutrality—senses 8, 9, 10—come under the rubric. Parallel arguments can be drawn about equal and unequal treatment of policymakers, supplementing the arguments against view-regarding and fitness-regarding neutrality offered just earlier.