The objective in view cannot be reached by making a detour, nor can the body of the animal be adapted to the shape of its surroundings, and thus reach the objective. If the connexion between animal and objective is to be established, it can only be through, and by means of, a third body. This chapter provides some experimental details about animals especially about chimpanzees. If the experiment is so far simplified that, for instance, a string fastened to the objective is within reach of the animal, then the chimpanzee will almost always solve the problem immediately. Two of the chimpanzees, Tschego and Konsul, had given the same positive results in this experiment, although in their cases the rope measured three metres. Dogs, and probably, for instance, horses as well, unless they made sudden lucky movements or received indications from outside themselves, might easily starve to death in these circumstances which offer hardly any difficulty to human beings—or to chimpanzees.