This chapter is devoted to explore lawyers and investigators' positions through publications and the motivations these reveal. It analyzes their work on behalf of committed to an accurate history of the Rwandan genocide as well as human rights issues worldwide. The chapter shows that there is not an iota of evidence to back their revisionist claims, a fact which, as in the case of all deniers, has no impact on their public statements. The genocidal pattern never varies, though the deniers' motives are mixed. Several deniers are left-wing Canadian lawyers and investigators. None seems to have had previous ties to the genocidal Habyarimana regime or any self-interest in its stance. Deniers, though, are not shaken in any way. Nor have they shown the slightest inclination to relent in their efforts. Peter Erlinder materializes one day in Rwanda as counsel for Victoire Ingabire, a declared presidential candidate who had, amid much controversy, been arrested and accused of being a denier.