On the way home to Swarthmore, the E. L. Trists went via India and stayed with the Sarabhai family in Ahmedabad. Trist worked at York for six years finishing in 1983. When he retired after six years at York among the list of points that he prepared for his convocation address were reasons for accepting the York offer. In 1985, at a meeting of the York University Action Learning Group, which Trist had created at York, the participants were developing a new theory for studying and participating in new organizational strategies that would operate within turbulent environments. The meeting decided to commemorate Trist’s presence at York University. Changes in Trist’s health affected his work, the load he could put upon himself, his travel, and the variety of tasks he could undertake. Beginning June 1979, Trist walked daily and swam often and exercised on the treadmill. After retirement in July 1979, surgery was considered but put off.