The education establishment’s overwhelming liberal if not radical character makes it nearly impossible to confront honestly the demographic imbalance. Educators wage a truly senseless contemporary “war” on intellectually-gifted students. If educational achievement were America’s paramount aim, investing in the intellectually talented is the indisputable superior, economically-efficient strategy. The battle against gifted education is a multi-front war and one of the major lines of attack involves “elitism.” Education outsiders can barely imagine the educational establishment’s deep-seated aversion to bright students. The National Education Association, the nation’s largest teachers’ union, is often in the forefront of this anti-intellectual campaign. Enrolling African American students in programs for academic stars further requires cleansing schools of deeply rooted “atmospheric” deficiencies invisibly debilitating smart blacks. The race norming, inclusionary mentality is hardly limited to educators. The private sector can fall prey to it though the costs of being “an intellectual elitist” or “anti-democratic” would appear minimal.