This is Edward Luttwak's third and arguably fi nest collection of essays. In a challenge to the intellectual backbone of those who write about peace as something one wishes into existence through mediation and good will, Luttwak's view of warfare is bracing: "An unpleasant truth, often overlooked, is that although war is a great evil, it does have a great virtue: it can resolve political confl icts and lead to peace."

Luttwak articulates positions shared by military fi gures and political heroes who have their feet on the ground rather than in the sand. He shares his thoughts in essays covering America at war and the new Bolshevism in Russia, ranging in place from the Middle East to Latin America and stops along the way to Byzantium. Luttwak examines military reform, great powers grown small, and drugs, crime and corruption as part of the common culture of the West. Th ough his message is sometimes delivered in a light tone, he is never foolish and never trivial.

Luttwak develops the bracing thesis that cease fi res and armistices in states of war, while sometimes inconclusive, are lesser evils than prospects for a nuclear meltdown. Even in arenas of geopolitical antagonism, neither Americans nor Russians have been inclined to intervene competitively in wars of lesser powers. As a consequence, intermittent war persists; and greater dangers to the world are averted. It is no exaggeration to compare Luttwak to Clausewitz in the nineteenth century and Herman Kahn in the twentieth century. Th is volume deserves to be read and digested by all who would understand contemporary geopolitics.

part 1|32 pages

The Paradoxical Logic of Strategy

chapter 1|7 pages

Give War a Chance

chapter 2|9 pages

Why We Need an Incoherent Foreign Policy

chapter 4|8 pages

Reagan the Astute

part 2|34 pages

Post-Cold War Hot Wars

chapter 5|11 pages

To Intervene or Not to Intervene

chapter 6|3 pages

NATO Started Bombing to Help Milosevic

chapter 7|7 pages

Pablo Escobar and the War on Drugs

chapter 9|4 pages


part 3|35 pages

America at War

chapter 10|5 pages

The Warning

chapter 11|3 pages

Terrorism by Subcontractor

chapter 12|3 pages

Iraq: How to Regain the Initiative

chapter 13|8 pages

Iraq: The Logic of Disengagement

chapter 14|7 pages

Who is the Enemy?

chapter 15|3 pages

Snobs Make Better Spooks

part 4|41 pages

Post-Heroic War

chapter 16|3 pages

When Military Reform Fails

chapter 17|6 pages

Where are the Great Powers Now?

chapter 18|10 pages

Toward Post-Heroic Warfare

chapter 19|9 pages

Post-Heroic Military Policy

chapter 20|9 pages

The True Military Revolution at Last

part 5|34 pages

Byzantium: Faith and Power

chapter 21|10 pages

The Grand Strategy of the Byzantine Empire

chapter 22|11 pages

Byzantine Art

chapter 23|10 pages

Byzantine Court Culture

part 6|25 pages

Amazon Misadventures

chapter 24|5 pages

Drugs, Crime, and Corruption

chapter 25|6 pages


chapter 26|6 pages

The Sane Cow Syndrome

chapter 27|5 pages

The Good in Barbed Wire

part 7|19 pages


chapter 29|3 pages

The Secret the Soviets Should have Stolen

chapter 30|4 pages

The Gospel According to Greenspan

chapter 31|3 pages

The New Bolshevism