The greatly publicized success of a very few women in high positions has created the illusion that the equal-rights crusade has dramatically improved the lives of all women. Even among couples who pledge an egalitarian union, women ultimately assume the vast bulk of what needs to be done. Sexual equality, as opposed to equality between the sexes, further weakens the bonds between men and women. Dependence has become one of the blackest buzz words of the egalitarian crusade, evoking images of infantilized women who live on the scraps from their husbands' lives. Equality between the sexes quickly breaks down into each man/woman for himself/herself, shattering the delicate symbiotic ties that bind men and women together. The concept of equality need not be abandoned entirely, but should be used as only one weapon in a larger arsenal, and it must be restricted to those situations where it will help rather than hinder women.