The neo-Freudian shift from a psychology of the unconscious to one of the conscious, from id to ego, sexuality to morality, repression to personality development, and most generally from libido and depth psychology to surface and cultural psychology, accelerated with the post-Freudians. The words leave little to add: this psychology is the ideology of conformism and synchronization in the era of late capitalism. Especially in North American psychology, both options are especially crude: mechanistic behaviorism and vapid existentialism. The existential psychologists and post-Freudians on occasion call their psychology humanistic; at least, the stress on man for himself, man the measure, existing man, expresses the humanist drift of their thought. The reflex rejection of role psychology and kindred methods of rat and behavioral psychology as violations of the human spirit is, however, no less ideological. The humanist psychology is conformist in essence and trappings; it is the ideology of liberation of a one-dimensional society.