In spite of preaching, human nature will ever remain the same; and that restraint which forbids the gratification of the reproductive instinct, will avail but little with the mass of mankind. In many instances the genital organs are rendered so irritable by the repletion to which unnatural continency gives rise, and by much thinking, caused by such repletion, as to induce a disease known to medical men by the name of Gonorrhoea Dormientium. It consists in an emission or discharge of the semen during sleep. This discharge is immediately excited in most instances by a lascivious dream, but such dream is caused by the repletion and irritability of the genital organs. "Inasmuch, then as the scruples of incurring heavy responsibilities deter from forming moral connections, and encourage intemperance and prostitution, the knowledge which enables man to limit the number of his offspring, would in the state of things save much unhappiness and prevent many crimes.