This chapter focuses on several works that include analyses of some of the radical developments in Eastern Europe during 1988 and 1989. These works are divided into three broadly defined, but not mutually exclusive, categories: dissent and opposition, economic reform and political change, and Soviet-Eastern European relations. Janusz Bugajski and Pollack Pollack trace the development and growth of dissent and opposition campaigns throughout Eastern Europe. Dissent and opposition campaigns are likened to a series of well-developed geological fractures crisscrossing the earth's surface. Branko. Milanovic's comparative analysis of the process of economic reforms in the East and West provides useful insights into recently enacted policies in several Eastern European countries. A major attempt to assess Soviet-Eastern European relations in the era of perestroika and glasnost is undertaken in a volume edited by Aurel Braun. The Braun volume posits explanations regarding Soviet and Eastern Europeans' political and ideological perceptions of each other.