The contention from which Plato derives that all delinquency is the outcome of some psychological disorder or disease is a thesis which he represents as distinctively Socratic: 'No one willingly does wrong'. According to Plato, delinquency consists in the failure of the elements of the soul to perform their functions harmoniously. The failure, indeed the refusal, to take theoretical cognizance of the difference between what is and is not directly subject to an agent's will has obstructed understanding of – among many other things – the Freudian Unconscious. Pretended identifications can and often do provide the basis for in some way discounting or discrediting actual, present, wishes and wants, it becomes relevant to uncover the logical relations and the lacks of logical relations between these various ideas. There was a time when socialists, and especially Marxist socialists, used to promise that socialism would have done with the economics of scarcity. Galbraith is a mild and moderate man, but misguided.