Tom Dewey sent the White House suggestions from a friend that Republicans should not forget how successful running against Harry Truman had been in 1952 and that reminders of why they had voted for Ike would reinspire them to do likewise in 1956. All agreed with Prentis’s urging for Ike to denounce Stevenson’s labor friends by warning that “a vote for Stevenson is a vote for the CIO and Walter Reuther.” In numerous projects throughout the country, mainly in the South and the Far West, the Dwight D. Eisenhower people had begun the process of reversing Democratic-initiated federally constructed and operated systems to provide for flood control, inland waterway navigation, electric power and land reclamation. Democrats, Republican strength was not as dependent on the large Eastern cities that had significant numbers of Jewish voters; furthermore, the Eisenhower margin in 1952 had been considered large enough to make him virtually immune from the relatively few Jews who did support the GOP.