The nihilists and fanatical immoralists talk a great deal about people being 'allowed to make their own choices'. The pressure of nihilism has to do with a serious loss of confidence, the loss of a sense of meaning in life, and consequent disintegration of the personality. Commercial culture can exploit fear of this woman, in perverted and violent books and films, like those of Ian Fleming, in his 'James Bond' myth. Whole societies can experience such feelings, and are then likely to move towards 'false solutions'. Cultural nihilism, pornography, occultism, and the drug-cult are all false solutions. Some manifestations of the reliance on schizoid hate as the basis of Western identity are strangely inverted. The executives of the Rand Corporation are advertised as being 'the Renaissance man type'. In Nazism, the libidinous, sensual self was split off and projected over the Jews and hated: in our time it is split off and projected over woman victim in pornography and hated.