There are some parts to the work of the garbageman that are simply inherently disagreeable, and although technologically more of the disagreeableness may be evaded in the future, a residual unpleasantness will continue to bedevil refuse collectors. For example, Freddie and his crew have to use blankets to bring out the wet refuse and garbage from some of the houses; there is just no way to carry it out except on your back, juicy from the rains or from more noxious liquids hidden in it. On some routes, physical injury is threatened by the residents themselves, who for one reason or another take out after a garbageman. Some workers will explain that they have a "garbageman's nose" and can take it, but that is an exaggeration. No one can take it all the time. People would get a lot of crab meat or get fish, and they won't bother to wrap it up—they just throw it in the garbage can.