Edmonds, a professor at Michigan State and Harvard and a key administrator in the New York City public school system, acted on his research, which had located effective schools in the most economically-deprived communities in this nation. The students in these schools were successfully achieving the grade-level norms and the local, regional, state, and national norms on tests for reading, mathematics, language, and other academic subjects. The commitment of the federal government to excellence and to meeting the educational needs of special populations must remain in force. The principals of Stowe Middle School and Laclede Elementary School were opposed to the concept, but today are ardent advocates for the ES principles. Still, even though this list represents a statement of federal commitment to education, there looms the recently-passed Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Reaffirmation Act. This Act amends the original Gramm-Rud-man-Hollings legislation and requires the President and the Congress to enact budgets each year that achieve legally-established deficit targets.