in the late morning, after having caught up on the sleep I lost while telling Hildegard my Green Frontier story, I took the U-Bahn into town from Dahlem. I wanted to have a look at what was left of Hitler’s lair, the New Chancellery, on the Wilhelmplatz in the Russian sector (then recently renamed “Ernst-Thälmann-Platz,” in honor of the martyred prewar leader of the German Communist Party). As I stood in front of the Chancellery’s ruin, I saw a U.S. Army staff car pull up, followed by a military police jeep. Out of the car stepped a major and a civilian dressed in the same kind of “simulated” officer’s uniform that I was wearing. The civilian was obviously a visiting American VIP, whom the major was going to take on a tour of Berlin’s number one Allied junketeer’s attraction. I sidled up to the group, while the major was palavering in Russian with the Ivans guarding the site. I asked the MPs about the VIP, and they told me that he was Senator Kenneth Wherry of Nebraska. Wherry was well known as one of the most reactionary and Isolationist Republicans in the Senate, but despite my dim view of his politics, I thought I’d like to join his entourage.