This part introduction presents an overview of the key concepts discussed in the subsequent chapters. The part discusses the population and its attendant problems, immigration, eugenics and heredity, urban migration, the race problem. It also discusses the heredity and environment emanating from sociologists of this generation should embrace much of the data gathered by leading psychological and clinical laboratories. These findings are available and society is entitled to much less unbiased deduction than have been made hitherto. The Negro is docile, lazy, indifferent to the future, superstitious, non-purposive in thought and possesses a predisposition to crime and immorality. Improvidence and shiftlessness can hardly be attributed to the Negro as a racial inheritance in the light of the author's own statement of the Negro's half century of material and cultural progress. The trend in Negro education is away from higher learning. This is as it should be, for industrial education is one of the solutions to the race problem.