The "cultural program" with Nigeria is an excellent illustration of Soviet impregnational propaganda at work. The Soviet-Nigerian "cultural program" and many similar treaties and agreements provide the legal basis for the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics to conduct impregnational propaganda. The implementation of the cultural agreement's clauses and the realization of its goals are the crucial stages in the impregnational propaganda process. The major operational apparatus, which Moscow uses to facilitate the implementation of cultural agreements, and to assist in the achievement of Soviet impregnational propaganda goals, consists of the various pro-Soviet "Friendship Societies" and Front Organizations. Soviet participation in international fairs and exhibitions and the organizing of their own exhibitions provides Soviet propaganda with excellent opportunities to publicly demonstrate Soviet achievements in art, science, and industry, as well as the appropriate facilities for conducting additional propaganda activities. Soviet authorities keep a close track not only on the number of visitors, but also on their impressions of the exhibition.