This chapter believes that these changes would ease the habits of consumereism and egoism which have taken root in industrial society. It exposes a just economic order will stress cooperation, not competition; relative equality of income, no wide disparity; democratic self-management, not dictatorial management by others; self-reliance and initiative, not dependence on bureaucracies. The chapter discusses then, three basic sectors in the new economic sytem: a large sector of cooperatives, a large sector of socially owned but decentralized and self-managed enterprises, and a small sector of individually owned shops and so on. It rejects the view that work is merely a question of productive efficiency, to be regarded as a regrettable necessity which takes time away from genuine living. The chapter also reject the bureaucratic centralist model of the Soviet Union as well, in which the power of government officials continues unchecked by democratic participation despite Lenin's statement that the state should begin to wither away immediately.