Freedom from interference by government is part of the concept, which brings up the first way that population growth cuts into freedom. When a place starts to get crowded, people look to government to protect them against their fellow man. The American system of government will be in increasing jeopardy, if de Tocqueville and David Potter are right, as population growth presses ever more relentlessly against carrying capacity. The good parts of growth include more cultural and educational opportunities, better restaurants, people making money, and being an airport hub city. Multiculturalism in the educational system is about criteria for deciding what is taught and who teaches it. These decisions determine what information, analytic competence, and values are transmitted to future generations of students. Multiculturalism and language separatism are frontal attacks in part because they would stop evolutionary change. They aim to stop assimilation and accommodation, freezing society into political power blocs based on ethnic or racial group membership.