In 1999, five juveniles per day were victims of homicide in the United States. No other type of murder creates more anger and disdain in the public’s mind than the killing of children. Infanticide (the killing of infants) and feticide (the killing of young children) differ from other types of homicide precisely because the victims are so small, so defenseless, and so vulnerable to attack from others. Family annihilators—familicide—typically involves one member of family murdering multiple members of his or her family. Fathers and stepfathers wiping out their wives and children, mothers killing all their children, children killing not only their parents, but siblings and relatives as well—all comprise this type of lethal domestic violence. Research into child homicide shows that the most likely killer is a family member or close acquaintance. Often the murderous rampage results from a desire to exact revenge, to punish other family members for some real or perceived hurt done to the killer.