Hans Magnus Enzensberger, a self-styled ''revolutionary poet'', was the founder of the leading intellectual review of the German Left, Kursbuch, in which all the ideas and emotions of ''the generation of 1968'' found expression. A young doctor also writes in Kursbuch about the arguments of the ''old men of '68'' and he repudiates the whole ideology of all those embattled APO militants of yesteryear. The Veterans of '68 still think they embody true youthful ideals. Small wonder that the new generation in Kursbuch and elsewhere have been counter-attacking the ''superciliousness'', the persistent know-it-all Besserwisserei which had in fact outraged the earlier generation in the pre-'68 world. In any case the inheritance of the '68 generation is full of ambivalences and contradictions—leading, at one end, to the 61itarian conspiratorial groups preaching terror; and, at the other end, to the proliferation of local and not un-useful committees of civic action known as Burgerinitiativen.