Lacan made a full-scale campaign in Paris against what he thought was his main enemy within psychoanalytic thinking — ego psychology. It was partly a matter of Anna Freud's own role in helping to contribute to the development of ego psychology that drove Lacan in the direction he took; as his enemy within the International Psychoanalytic Association (IPA), Anna Freud's work was to be subjected to harsher criticism in Paris than anyplace else. Erik H. Erikson was in fact trained by Anna Freud, although he had a complicated and ambivalent set of feelings toward her. By the mid-1970s, when he published his collection Life History and the Historical Moment Erikson was one of the world's most famous psychoanalysts. The generosity and humaneness which Erikson stood for is only a threat to the dry-as-dust codifiers who are interested in hanging on to past routines.