Universities keep telling us how committed they are to freedom of speech. But once the politically correct people start howling about the wrong sort of speakers, administrators usually fall in line to find a way to cancel or discourage the talks. Connelly's speech, and the whole two-day event, had been scheduled since August, and Accuracy in Academia had paid a quite high fee for use of the hall. Seven hours before Connelly's speech, Columbia decided that the group had to pay an extra $3,100, immediately, for beefed-up security protection. These safety concerns ended up pushing the Saturday speakers off campus. University officials said they had no idea that Accuracy in Media had invited college students from around the New York area. The demonstrators understood that a form of censorship had just been imposed. Since they concluded that they were being manipulated by an unprincipled administration, they moved the talks to a sidewalk off-campus as a protest.