After eight years, the truth is finally beginning to catch up with "How Schools Shortchange Girls," the influential but largely false 1992 report by the American Association of University Women. The report, which swept though the world of education and led to girls-only financial plums of the Gender Equity Act, described the American classroom as a hellhole for girls. The AAUW report is "politicized research" and "false political propaganda," says Judith Kleinfeld, professor of psychology at the University of Alaska. Kleinfeld deserves much of the credit for the report's sinking reputation. She undertook a long analysis of the AAUW study at the suggestion of the Women's Freedom Network, one of the promising antidotes to the hard-line campus feminism that has overtaken the AAUW. Amazingly, the AAUW is at it again, issuing another overwrought victim report, "Gender Gaps: Where Schools Fail Our Children.".