The relationship of the Board of Trustees to President Diamandopoulos at Adelphi obviously went well beyond simply being friendly and productive to one in which no glimmer of objectivity or independent judgment could be detected. Diamandopoulos was at the center in selecting most Board members, and this did a great deal to ensure that he would be esteemed and seen in this way. Diamandopoulos was surely experienced, but this experience had shown him to be an unqualified failure. To a number of the Trustees, Diamandopoulos was the embodiment of what higher education could do, and what Adelphi was on the threshold of becoming. The effect of this solid alliance between the Board and President at Adelphi increased the imbalance of power; as most faculty saw it, it made their position nearly hopeless. The Board had decided to reassess whether or not in the future it would continue to follow the policy of granting sabbatical leaves to faculty.