The individual and subjective focus of constructivist evaluation, which is in the frame of reference of the participants, makes it uniquely suited for evaluation questions that are principally subjective and focused on the full understanding of multiple perspectives. The program that benefits most from a constructivist evaluation is one that can allow and support mutual respect among all stake-holding groups and can take the actions that this type of evaluation will inspire. Constructivist evaluation is an intensely personal, introspective experience that provides a fit between the science and the art of inquiry, while allowing for divergent values and personal styles. In Family-Based Service constructivist evaluation, the three important techniques of data collection are interviews, participant-observation, and observation. Constructivist evaluators should maintain a separate personal log, to record their impressions of participants, analytic ideas, thoughts, personal reactions, and notes regarding further needed information. Data collection and data analysis interact in constructivist evaluation.